In the end…Education is everything!

I am trying to get back into the rhythm of writing every week and it feels good.  My schedule allows me to have time to read about most things that I did not have time to do when I was teaching and in school.  So this has been one of the best things about this…

Happy New Year – a holiday review

  It has been far too long since I have updated my blog entries!  So with the new year already in full swing, I thought I would go ahead and take some time to swing into writing action and add a new entry.  Before I get going on a real roll, I want to say,…

Godt nyttår!

Well, that blogging once a week promise has now been severely broken! 🙂 But, as it is a new year, I will try to be better in my commitment to the blog! It was a busy holiday season for us after a wonderful Thanksgiving excursion to London (goodness, we are really far behind in blogging!).…

A time of Thanks giving

What a wonderful time of year, the holidays!!  I love the holidays for all the joy that it brings people.  I think that my favorite holiday to celebrate is Thanksgiving, to be quite honest.  I mean I know it is fun to give and get presents at Christmas and try to stay up past midnight…

Searching for Light!

Greetings from Oslo and happy thanksgiving week to all! The dissertation writing and research has consumed my time and focus in the past few weeks, putting blogging on the back burner…also, I have been searching for a suitable topic for a meaningful post about our experiences the last few weeks! A few major things have…

The dissertation –

              Hi All! First of my apologies for not holding to my weekly blogging commitment – best way to say it is the “rubber hit the road” in the last 11 days or so.  All my focus has been diverted to my dissertation! As opposed to the previous blogs…

The roller coaster that is international living

With all the excitement of coming to Norway and being here in Norway now for three weeks, I have just started hearing about the “roller coaster of international living”.  Once I heard about this phrase and learned more about it, I feel like I am certainly feeling that roller coaster effect where I am going…

Even the dogs are well behaved…

Yesterday, Elliott and I went for a hike in the beloved Sognsvann area of Oslo. As we were traipsing through the woods, we talked about our blog and both came to the conclusion that in our first three weeks of being here, it has become a bit of a love letter to Norway. A theme…


                                          Being in Norway for almost two weeks, my view on many things has changed for the better.  I have been to different places like the grocery store, the American Lutheran Church, a montessori school, on a…