The dissertation –

              Hi All! First of my apologies for not holding to my weekly blogging commitment – best way to say it is the “rubber hit the road” in the last 11 days or so.  All my focus has been diverted to my dissertation! As opposed to the previous blogs…

The roller coaster that is international living

With all the excitement of coming to Norway and being here in Norway now for three weeks, I have just started hearing about the “roller coaster of international living”.  Once I heard about this phrase and learned more about it, I feel like I am certainly feeling that roller coaster effect where I am going…

Even the dogs are well behaved…

Yesterday, Elliott and I went for a hike in the beloved Sognsvann area of Oslo. As we were traipsing through the woods, we talked about our blog and both came to the conclusion that in our first three weeks of being here, it has become a bit of a love letter to Norway. A theme…


                                          Being in Norway for almost two weeks, my view on many things has changed for the better.  I have been to different places like the grocery store, the American Lutheran Church, a montessori school, on a…

Forms of Learning

Family and Friends! Only week one and we are falling a bit behind on our blogging promises…our apologies! This week brought one of my favorite days of the year…the first day of school! This year’s beginning will (hopefully ) be my last first day of school as a student which is both bittersweet and extremely…

Departure and Arrival

Greetings all! It has taken several days to put my reflections together on our journey from Minneapolis to Oslo – but I have decided the theme for this week’s post will draw from the significant leaving and coming that has happened in our lives this week. I’ve never been good at saying goodbye; since the…

Elliott’s thoughts after first few days

With all the excitement of coming to Norway and having to learn a new language, culture, and way of life, I was a bit overwhelmed to say the least.  But after the first few days here in Norway, I have found myself realizing that this is going to be a great adventure and there is…

First day(s) in Sogn!

Hilsen fra Sogn! (Greetings from Sogn) We arrived yesterday afternoon after quite the adventure hauling our luggage on 2 trains, stopping at the University of Oslo with about 200+ lbs. of luggage (we’re not kidding), collecting our key and a fantastic uphill walk towards our apartment. We are living in a 2 bedroom apartment which…

Elliott’s pre-departure reflections

With less than 10 days to go before your departure to Norway, I find myself filled with all sorts of emotions about the journey ahead.  First and foremost, I am extremely excited about it!  How could I not be since I will be going with a veteran traveler, Maren!  But this is also my first…